Technical production

Compagnie Sacékripa (France)

The boys from Compagnie Sacékripa met in september 2001 at the LIDO, the Centre for Circus Acts in Toulouse, France. In March 2003, they decide to form a company and to create a street theatre show.

In 2004, they associate with two Flemish perfomers for the creation of the show 'Who Goes On?' under the name of the Company Cirq’ulation Local. This project received the award for Young Circus Talent 2004 and produced some 70 representations up until 2006 in France, Holland, Belgium and Portugal.

Today, the Compagnie Sacékripa continues to hotfoot through the streets of festivals, to beat the paving slabs of towns in France and across Europe and to occupy theaters and villages squares. On the programme: striking juggling, acrobalance, funny acrobatics, battles and accolades.


YouTube channel of Compagnie Sacékripa

Season 2012-2013
Photo Sacekripa - Coulisses