Technical production

Mehr Theatre Group (Iran (Islamic Republic of))

Amir Reza Koohestani was born on June 8th, 1978 in Shiraz, Iran. He was 16 when he began to publish short stories in local newspapers. Attracted to cinema, he took courses in directing and cinematography. After a brief experience as a performer, he wrote his first plays.

Koohestani gained international fame and found the support of several European theatrical artistic directors and festivals. His plays were successful in Europe. He was also commissioned by the Schauspielhaus in Colon and by the Nouveau Théâtre de Besançon.

After two years of studies in Manchester, Koohestani returned to Tehran in July 2009 and created the play Where were you on January 8th?, which toured in Europe, Brazil, and Japan. After this, Koohestani made new plays and performances every year. Koohestani’s works won several awards.


The Facebook Page of Mehr Theatre Group

Interview with artistic director Amir Reza Koohestani

Interview with artistic director Amir Reza Koohestani

Season 2014-2015
Photo Intermezzo Flamenco Rocío Molina & La Tremendita