Technical production

Gandini Juggling (United Kingdom) - Spring

“Feather-light elegance in three-dimensional designs of balls, rings and cones” NRC Handelsblad (the Netherlands)

After the successful tour of 4 x 4 Ephemeral Architectures, they are back again, the dancing jugglers and juggling dancers by Gandini Juggling. That show was a true revelation for the Dutch public: perfection down to the millimeter, timing down to the second, images full of physical and spatial beauty.

In Spring, the English company is focusing even more strongly on enchanting visual aesthetics, with again ball, cone and ring as the basic material. Light designer Guy Hoare, known for his creations for the Royal Opera House in London and Akram Khan Company, frames the performance of the dancers / jugglers with a refined play of light and shadow, twilight and color.

  Tu 28 Jan 20
  Fr 31 Jan 20
  Sa 1 Feb 20