Technical production

Guilherme Miotto / Dans Brabant & Podium Bloos (Netherlands)

From the moment that Miotto made his appearance in Dutch dance, he introduced his own signature. First as a dancer in the work of, among others, Krisztina de Châtel, Bruno Listopad, Emio Greco and T.r.a.s.h. Recently as a maker of quirky radical performances. His work is paradoxical in various ways. It is intense and unrestrained, but at the same time comes from thoughtfulness and reflection. It is strongly theatrical, with no tendency to anecdotal. The theatricality resulting from an intensive physical approach demands virtuosity and technical control from the dancer, but looks unpolished and uncontrolled. Technical control is not an end in itself for Miotto, he puts it entirely at the service of the content. Of his dancers he not only asks for a physical but above all a mental commitment.

Season 2017-2018