Technical production

Sara Cano Compañía de Danza (Spain) - A Palo Seco

A Palo Seco is a performance of the young Spanish choreographer and dancer Sara Cano, one of the major innovators of the flamenco dance. In this solo, flamenco, modern dance and Japanese butoh come together on an intriguing original soundscape of Spanish composer Héctor González and the live voice of singer Alberto Funés. Cano gives her presentation a quote of Kazuo Ohno, a Japanese dancer and one of the founders and inspirators of the butoh dance: 'Expand from the very depths of your self, of your soul.' Cano is educated at the dance academy María Ávila in Madrid. She has great technique and expressiveness and dances just as easily in a skirt with such a huge drag (bata) as in her jeans.


Foto Beeld_Rebels_Cross,_fotograaf_joris-jan_bos Foto Sara_Cano__A_Palo_Seco_7811_©_marcosGpunto Foto Sara_Cano__A_Palo_Seco_8589_©_marcosGpunto Foto Sara_Cano_A_Palo_Seco_marcosGpunto
  Sa 16 Sep 17