Technical production

Marco D'Agostin (Italy) - Best Regards

"Dear N, you were too much." These are the opening words of friend and colleague Wendy Houstoun's farewell letter to Nigel Charnock, one of the founders of the pioneering British dance company DV8 Physical Theater. Since the 1980s, DV8 has rocked the British dance world with performances on social and political issues. DV8 was uncompromising, radical, and their performances were bursting with energy. After Charnock left the group, he created a formidable series of solos. In this, Charnock was - exactly as Houstoun wrote - 'too much'. His performances were hyperactive explosions of song, dance, screaming, fiction, and performance. Everything in him was energy, desire, will. And despair.

D'Agostin worked with Charnock in 2010. That experience changed the way he looked at dance. From then on, for D'Agostin, dance was a horizon beyond which anything is possible. Best Regards is the 'letter' D'Agostin wrote to Charnock eight years later. It is D'Agostin's way of saying: "Dear N, that's exactly what I also wanted to be: too much." Best Regards is an act of desperate nostalgia. Not for the world as it was, but for the world as D'Agostin saw it. And it is a tribute to D'Agostin's first love: a love that existed before dance became a job.


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  Tu 13 Jul 21
  We 14 Jul 21
  Th 15 Jul 21