Technical production

Enrico Ticconi & Ginevra Panzetti (Italy) - HARLEKING

In HARLEKING, Panzetti and Ticconi use the clown from traditional Italian comedy (Commedia dell'arte) to make a point about contemporary politics. Humour, pretending to be stupid or playing the clown are used to conceal more sinister motives here. The harlequin seems to be a funny character, because he makes you laugh. But he also has a devilish side, as he has always been a cheat. Something the creators recognise in the politicians of their country and in world leaders, now and in history. They follow the historical traces of the Fascists and the Nazis until today. Their history of political clowning takes shape in a play of iconic scenes and gestures from both traditional comedy and politics. From clowning to Nazi salute. While Panzetti and Ticconi vie with the best comedians with their perfect timing, their message about the dangers of populism is unmistakable and urgent.


  Sa 10 Jul 21
  Su 11 Jul 21
  Mo 12 Jul 21