Technical production

Cristiana Casadio en Stefan Sing (Germany) - Tangram

In our romantic relationships, do we not become a plaything for our lover, who manipulates us like a juggler? This duet between a juggler and a dancer takes the middle road between circus and classical dance. Using white balls, the duo playfully outlines the boundaries of their relationship, he demonstrates his domination over her - or at least tries to - and she makes little digs. Sometimes the ball becomes a bone of contention, at other times it rolls smoothly from one to the other. Without using too many words, Sing and Casadio reveal the highs and lows of their relationship, from fiery passion to sobering reality.“One lets go of everyday life, forgetting it completely. After an hour it is all over, yet the magic of the evening is far from forgotten” (Berliner Morgenpost).


Review The Skinny

Review The Stage

Review The Circus Diaries

  We 5 Nov 14
  Fr 7 Nov 14
  Sa 8 Nov 14