Technical production

Les Ballets C. de la B. (Belgium) - Tauberbach

In tauberbach, director Alain Platel intends to continue previous research into the development of movement material that he describes as “bastard dance”. He is actually looking for movements that come about when dancers “explore those areas of their mind yet untouched by civilisation”. He started his research when creating vsprs (2006) and continued developing it with Nine Finger (2007), pitié! (2008), Out of Context – for Pina (2010) and C(H)ŒURS (2012).

The new creation was initiated by NTGent-actress Elsie de Brauw who asked Platel to make a performance with dancers and actor(s). Platel and de Brauw know each other's work well.

The starting point is Marco Prado's documentary Estamira, telling the story of a woman who suffers from schizophrenia and who lives and works at a waste disposal site in Rio de Janeiro. She has developed her own very particular way of communicating with the small community she lives in. Hence the theme: “how to live or even survive with dignity under nearly impossible circumstances”.

Other sources of inspiration for this performance are 'Tauber Bach' of Artur Zmijewski (Bach music sung by deaf people), chorales by Bach and one Mozart aria which will be performed live by the artists. The musical direction lies in the hands of Steven Prengels who already worked with Alain Platel on Gardenia (2010) and C(H)ŒURS (2012).

  We 5 Feb 14
  Th 6 Feb 14
  Fr 7 Feb 14
  We 30 Apr 14
  Th 1 May 14
  Fr 2 May 14
  Sa 3 May 14
  Th 4 Sep 14
  Sa 6 Sep 14
  Sa 18 Oct 14
  Su 19 Oct 14
  Fr 19 Dec 14