Technical production

Ramzi Choukair (Syrian Arab Republic) - X-Adra

Ayat, Hend, Ola (now Ali), Mariam, Rowaida and Kenda are Syrian. Either as opposition activists in the 80s or young activists in the revolution of 2011, all of them have been incarcerated by the regime, most of them in Adra women’s prison. Forced to leave Syria, they currently live in Germany and France. Director Ramzi Choukair and dramatist Wael Kadour composed the dramatic framework of a play out of the testimonies of those two generations of detainees, who perform the piece.
This polyphonic narrative that links their six trajectories, not only shows the hell of detention and the mechanisms of dehumanization used by the regime. They bear witness to their experience in their own words and through the bonds of sisterhood, family and love that gave them the strength to survive and to continue to resist. Hope and an unshakable faith in freedom appear out of the struggle to bring back life where everything had been destroyed. Mixing opera and traditional Arabic song, the great Syrian singer Lubana Al Qunart is X-Adra’s seventh voice.


Foto Xadra
  Fr 22 Nov 19