Personnel scheduling

13 jaar ago

Scheduling in the cultural sector Personnel scheduling is not unique to the world of culture. An airline company schedules pilots;…

The background – Uurwerk Basic

13 jaar ago

Scheduling from events From 2000 and for many years thereafter, Marijcke Voorsluijs, the owner of TOT, was responsible for scheduling the…

Process scan at work

13 jaar ago

A process scan is a structured way to outline work processes. Within a cultural organisation, such a work process could,…

Uurwerk Online – service and cost

13 jaar ago

Service and cost Uurwerk Online comes with our service and support. We keep your software up to date and are there…

Uurwerk Online – Uurwerk as a web based application

13 jaar ago

Uurwerk on the web After the first succesfull years with Uurwerk Basic the clientele of Uurwerk had grown, as had the…

Process analysis

13 jaar ago

In this ICT project management section of the site, you find under the Applications heading a multitude of ways to…

Instagram – photo editing and social medium

13 jaar ago

In 2011 Instagram shot in 2011 as a comet to the top of all lists of most frequently used apps.…

Twitter – your fastest source of news

13 jaar ago

Both adored and reviled, a digital water cooler or an open sewer: Twitter is such an open and accessible medium;…

Event scheduling

13 jaar ago

Core business The world of culture revolves around performances and events. Just as much for theatres and concert auditoriums, as…


13 jaar ago

Buy new software and all your problems are a thing of the past; all your wishes are fulfilled. Every program…