Technical production

Discípulos do Rítmo (Brazil)

Discípulos do Rítmo, founded in 1999, is the only one out of 30 hiphop crews in the huge city of São Paulo that found their way into the theatre. In The Netherlands they became known through their cooperation with nicknamed Storm.

With one of his choreographies they had their first Dutch tour. The Discípulos do Rítmo create performances with virtuous and humourous hiphop dance that is more than just showing off. The company has its own lighting designer, Alessandra, who apart from speaking Portugese is fluent in English, French and Spanish.


YouTube channel of Discípulos do Rítmo

Facebook page of Discípulos do Rítmo

Discípulos do Rítmo on MySpace

Season 2010-2011
Photo Discipulos Do Ritmo - Fresta Ta Limpo