Technical production

Teatro Niño Proletario (Chile)

The company Theatro Niño Proletario was created by Luis Guenel, Sally Campusano, Francisco Medina and Catalina Devia in 2005 as a center of theatrical research and artistic creation. Working on such themes as territory, memory, gender, social class, the common and the individual, in the last seven years Teatro Niño Proletario has produced “Hambre” (Hunger), “Temporal” (The Storm), “El Olivo”, and “El Otro” (The Other). Through these productions, the group has developed its own distinct language and has collaborated with outstanding national and international actors.

Its productions participated in the major national and international festivals. After the intense beginning, Teatro Niño Proletario has come to a stage of revision and transformation.


The Facebook page of Teatro Niño Proletario

Article about Teatro Niño Proletario

Season 2014-2015
Photo El Otro