Technical production

VSCD / Nederlandse Dansdagen (Netherlands) - Moving Meetings 2011

Moving Meetings is a dynamic two-day program for and about dance, in which the dialogue between creators, (international) programmers, marketeers, and last but not least, the audience itself is central. It immediately precedes the Dutch Dance Festival and takes place in Heerlen and Maastricht. A visiti to both Moving Meetings and the Dutch Dance Festival provides a unique and complete picture of the diversity and quality of the Dutch dance.

In three performances in two venues provide a total of twelve dance companies based in the Netherlands will present an excerpt from their (new) show.

TOT provides the technical coordination of the entire program, and stage management in both rooms.


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  Th 6 Oct 11
  Th 6 Oct 11
  Th 6 Oct 11
  Fr 7 Oct 11