Technical production

José Navas/Compagnie Flak (Canada) - Diptych

The Canadian Venezuelan José Navas became known in the nineties for small, sensitive and sensual choreography for almost naked dancers. Being a fabulous performer with an androgynous look himself, Navas danced as elegant as a fairytale princess and as muscular as a boxing champion. They were dances about life, death and eroticism.

His Compagnie Flak is a leading dance company in Canada. Striking in the work of Navas is the alternation between high speed and magical stillness. His group works have a crystal clear logic. Dancers move with great naturalness on the stage, subtle and extremely precise. For 'Diptych' Navas chose the music of Johann Sebastian Bach: preludes and fugues from 'Das Wohltemperierte Klavier' and parts of the Cello Suites.

  Sa 5 Nov 11
  Mo 7 Nov 11
  Tu 8 Nov 11
  We 16 Nov 11